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Document types

Document Type

Description - The basic unit of data in Mayan EDMS is the document type. A document type can be interpreted also as a document category, a document class, or a document template. Every other aspect of the system will rely or be tied to one or more document type. Create one document type for each type or class of document you intend to upload into Mayan EDMS.
Document types need to be created before documents can be uploaded. It is not possible to upload documents without assigning them a document type.
Settings and attributes are applied to document types and documents will inherit those settings and attributes based on the document type they were assigned when uploaded into Mayan EDMS. A document can only be of one type at a given moment, but if needed, the type of a document can be changed. Upon changing its type, the document will lose its previous settings and attributes, and will inherit the settings and attributes of its new type.

Please be informed that Document type is use to categorise your document specifically. With Document type, document can be assigned to only specific individual or a group. For example, only those who are assigned to Group A with document type A and specific file A, can view the document A while Group B cannot view Group A's document if the individual or Group B not assigned to view Group A's document.

Setting of Document type - follow the steps below :

1. click System->Setup->Document type


Click Document types to choose


Step 2 : Click the Actions button then click Create document type


Enter Document type's name and click Save button


Step 3 : setting up Access Control Lists for Document type - click eyes icon and click ACLs


Step 4 : Access Control Lists For Document type - click New ACL button


Step 5 : New access control lists for: Document type - select role from list


Step 6 : setup Role "PPKA-Admin" permission's for document type